Diagnostic Services + Complete Care
Our technology lights the darkness bringing images from within the body enlightening us with knowledge

Diagnostic Services + Complete Care at BVSC 

+   Advanced Imaging (MRI + CT Scan + PET-CT)  +  Ultrasound   +  Radiography +  Echocardiogram  +  Interventional Procedures +  Nuclear Medicine  +  Arthroscopy  +  Endoscopy  +   Blood & Urine Testing  + Bone Marrow & Spinal Fluid Collection + Laparoscopy

Establishing an accurate diagnosis is the cornerstone of modern veterinary medicine.  An accurate history and detailed physical examination are crucial but often not enough to get to the diagnostic answer for many patients, particularly those referred for difficult problems. At BVSC, we have a suite of diagnostic tools that allow our specialist teams to magically reveal even the most stubborn and elusive diagnoses.  Because these tools are at our specialists’ fingertips at BVSC, the results are realised very quickly and economically, allowing effective treatment to be given promptly.


+  Radiology (Xray) at BVSC 

Our GE system is fast and accurate, delivering high definition images previously only attainable in well-equipped human hospitals.  With this system we can even “remove the ribs” superimposing the lungs, allowing amazing accuracy in imaging. This is the first such system available for veterinary use in Australia, so your pets get the best care.  

BVSCRadiograph1 BVSCRadiograph2 BVSCRadiograph3
Routine Energy VD Chest  Energy Subtraction For Bone (Dual Energy)   Energy Subtraction For Tissue (Dual Energy)

 +  CT Scanner  (Computed Tomography) at BVSC

Our CT  scanner is from the GE – Optima family and it is a multi-slice, fast, reliable instrument which integrates with our automatic injection system, allowing us to acquire amazing contrast enhanced imaging studies.  It also doubles as our simulation instrument, allowing us to 3D computer plan cancer patients for radiation therapy.  Our planning computer is on-site as well and it “talks to” the CT scanner.  The algorithms developed by GE allow us to acquire extremely high quality and detailed studies which can be rendered and manipulated to guide our specialists to the best treatments.

BVSC CTLung2 BVSC CTLung Rendering BVSC CT Skull Head
3D Rendered Image Of Lungs 3D Rendered Image Of A Dog Skull  3D Image Of Lungs Displaced By Large Thymoma
BVSC CTLung Rendering 0 BVSC CT R Thyroid Mass2 BVSC Lung Mediastinum1
 Bone Cancer (Shoulder Blade) Showing Blood Vessels  Thyroid Cancer In A Dog Showing Blood Supply

 Sagittal CT Of Large Thymoma (Pic Above)


High-field T3 MRI with truly amazing diagnostic capability = diagnosing the “un-diagnosable”.


Like a submarine captain relies on sonar to “see” underwater, our specialists use very advanced medical ultrasound machines to “see” inside your pets.

CT Scan

CT Scan
CT Scan
Multislice, high speed, automatic injector system, advanced software = a three dimensional road map for the specialists to effectively treat your pet.


GE Optima XR646 = high-end human hospital quality X-ray system for your pets; the best there is in any veterinary hospital.


Superimposing nuclear medicine images with computerised tomography = shows hidden areas of disease on a three dimensional picture.


Imagine a high definition, miniature camera illuminated by bright fibre optic light on the end of a thin flexible tube that can be safely “driven” into any hole in the body to take moving colour pictures and allow specialists to collect samples through the tube.

Making an Outpatient Ultrasound Referral

Thank you for referring to Brisbane Veterinary Specialist Centre. Please download a BVSC Outpatient Ultrasound form to print and use for your referrals.


Please send the completed form by EMAIL to info@bvsc.com.au or FAX 07 3319 6398

Click Here For Outpatient Ultrasound Referral Form

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