At Brisbane Veterinary Specialist Centre we offer the TTA and TPLO procedures to treat injuries of the cranial cruciate ligament in the knee of dogs. These procedures change the mechanics of the joint such that a functioning ligament is no longer required. For more general information on cranial cruciate ligament rupture please see the information sheet Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injury on our website.

What Is Involved?

Your pet will be in the care of one of our board certified specialists in surgery backed by an expert team. During the initial consultation your pet will be thoroughly examined and we will discuss the options available for you. Almost any size and shape of dog can benefit from TTA or TPLO, however it is most indicated in dogs over 15kg. For more information on another technique, please see the Extracapsular Stabilisation Surgery information sheet on our website.

The first step is radiographs (x-rays) of the knee. The x-rays are used to support the diagnosis of a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament and to plan the procedure. Angles and measurements are checked to allow us to accurately perform the surgery and ensure we achieve the best outcome for your pet.

The procedure involves your pet having a general anaesthetic. Pain relief is provided by a pre- operative epidural injection and continuous infusion of pain relief medications during and after the surgery. Surgery is performed in our purpose built, state-of-the-art orthopaedic surgery suite by a highly skilled team. We often will perform arthroscopy of the knee to inspect the joint under high magnification which may result in eliminating the need to open the joint. Specialised stainless steel and titanium implants are placed in the bone to stabilise the new joint position.

Your pet will recover in our intensive care facility for the next 24 hours or so until they are ready to go home. This is a fully equipped ward just as you would expect in a human hospital. There are critical care nurses and veterinarians to ensure your pet has a smooth and pain free recovery.

Post-Operative Care

We only send our patients home when they are comfortable on medications that you can administer at home. A skin patch and oral medications will provide excellent pain prevention for the next few days. You will be provided with printed discharge instructions that clearly describe your pet’s post-operative care. Generally, this involves approximately eight weeks of exercise restriction with gentle leash walks only. Professional physiotherapy is strongly recommended to maximise recovery. Learn more about the physiotherapy service at BVSC by visiting the physiotherapy page on our website.

You and your pet revisit with our specialist surgeons at 2 weeks and 8 weeks post-operatively to ensure their recovery is going well. At 8 weeks we perform x-rays of the knee to check the healing and the implant positioning. If everything is going well at 8 weeks you will slowly introduce your pet back to normal activity levels.

Both procedures involve cutting and moving the bone to change the biomechanics of the joint. The TTA procedure advances the position of the patella ligament such that it is at 90 degrees to the joint surface. The TPLO procedure rotates the joint surface such that it is at 90 degrees to the patella ligament. The decision of whether TTA or TPLO is most appropriate may be based on anatomy of the individual. In many cases, either surgery would be a suitable and appropriate choice. Your surgeon can discuss both procedures with you during consultation.

What is included in the TTA/TPLO treatment plan?

At Brisbane Veterinary Specialist Centre, the following is included in the treatment plan that will be provided during consultation:

  • Pre-anaesthestic blood tests
  • Pre – and post-operative x-rays of the knee
  • Surgical procedure in our modern, purpose built, orthopaedic theatre
  • Pre-operative epidural and constant rate infusion of injectable pain relief
  • 24 hour intensive, personalised care in our fully staffed hospital
  • Unlimited revisit appointments during your pet’s recovery

Our mission at BVSC – The Animal Hospital is to produce the best possible outcomes for our surgical patients while minimising the risks and preventing pain. We do this by having expert, caring staff, state of the art facilities and equipment and by attending to the individual needs of our patients. We look forward to being given the opportunity to help you and your pet.

To make an appointment for your pet ask your veterinarian for a referral and contact our friendly reception staff on (07) 3264 9400.