At BVSC the well-being of your much loved pet is our priority and we are committed to giving the very best care possible. We have specialist veterinary teams and nurses who have dedicated their careers to helping animals. Here is some information to help prepare you for your pet’s stay in hospital.

Your Pet’s Stay In Hospital

BVSC is staffed 24/7, every day of the year. So, while your pet is in hospital they will be under constant supervision by our highly trained vets and nurses who will ensure your pet receives exceptional, individual and focused around-the-clock care. Being a purpose built hospital, BVSC is fitted with state-of-the-art equipment that allow us to perform advanced diagnostics and specialist procedures.

All animals are comfortably hospitalised and under constant supervision. To minimise your pet’s stress, we ensure a low level of noise, constant room temperature and heated cages for our patients’ comfort. We have separate wards for our feline and canine patients, a cat friendly ward and large canine runs to meet their individual requirements. The hospital is kept clean as hygiene is of key importance at BVSC for infection control.

Nutrition & Exercise

Our BVSC health care team will ensure your pet’s nutritional needs are met during their stay. Premium brand foods are offered and fed for the duration of your pet’s stay. If your pet specific dietary requirements are outside our range of prescription diets available, we will provide an alternative. To rehabilitate our patients, we also provide secure exercise areas for dogs and cats along with prescribed physiotherapy when required. Our cat palace provides our long term feline patients with a great space for their recovery.

Beddings & Belongings

Before your pet is admitted, we remove all collars, halties, harnesses, leads and any other “clothing”. Such items need to be removed for various procedures, surgeries, x-rays and other tests. Whilst the utmost care is taken, BVSC is a large hospital and personal items can be misplaced. Your pet will be provided with hospital bedding which is soft, hygienic and very comfortable. All animals in our care are kept impeccably clean, warm, dry and given much love and attention.

Visiting Your Pet In Hospital

Some pets benefit from a family visit, however, it may not be recommended for some due to medical reasons. Options can be discussed with you at consultation. We enjoy spending time with all our inpatients and they receive loads of cuddles, are frequently talked to and walked. If you would like to visit your pet while they are in hospital, please discuss this with your vet.

Visitation can be arranged by appointment. For workplace health and safety reasons, the public are restricted to certain parts of the hospital and nearly all our visitation is done in a designated room. This room needs to be reserved for your visit, so please contact the front desk and arrange a time once your specialist has given the all clear for visitation. Visits are generally limited to 30 minutes and can sometimes be extended to one hour, depending on availability of this room.

Pain Care

Pain care management is a very important issue to us and we use all the available pain management systems to ensure your pet has a comfortable stay in our hospital. Your veterinary specialist and our staff will be able to explain the pain care plan in place for your pet whilst they are in our care and upon discharge.

Informed Consent

You will be asked to sign a consent form to allow us to proceed with your pet’s diagnostic tests, surgery or other procedures. Our specialists and health care staff will keep you apprised of your pet’s condition and the status of your account while your pet is in our care. Please ensure you have let reception know all your contact details or any changes.


Contacting Us About Your Pet’s Progress

The best time to call is after 9.30am in the morning and before 6pm on (07) 3264 9400. If your veterinarian cannot immediately take your call, they will endeavour to return your call the same day and before 6pm or within 24 hours.

BVSC Contacting You & Your Veterinarian

Depending on the type of treatment, owners will receive daily telephone updates and detailed written home care instructions.

24 hours prior to an appointment, you will receive a reminder via SMS. Please let reception know if you would prefer a phone call or an email, instead of an SMS.

If your pet is booked for an admission for a procedure, please arrive at the time discussed.

BVSC will provide your referring veterinarian with a referral letter at each consultation which outlines clinical summary and recommended treatment and always endeavours to update your veterinarian within 24 hours.

Other Helpful Information

Your Pet’s Medical Records

It is very important that your veterinarian sends BVSC your pet’s medical records and lab test results or any important information prior to their stay or visit at BVSC so that our staff can ensure optimum care.

Prescriptions & Medications

Repeat medications require at least 48 hours notice. If you require a prescription, a prescription fee will be charged. For all prescriptions or medications the patient is required to be ‘under the care’ of our veterinarians – in most cases they must have been seen within the last 6 months and in some cases, more recent visits are required to ensure the drug is being administered safely.